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busy businessman

A member registered Dec 29, 2019

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I have to ask, how did you pick Die-Nasty as one of the example troupe names? My friends and I are all from Edmonton, and Die-Nasty is a longstanding local improv group here. When we saw that name in the book, we all had a good laugh.

PHENOMENAL game!! Just played this as a one-shot with some friends and we had a great time staging our play/heist. SCENE THIEVES' rules are lightweight and were really easy for us to pick up.

I want to specifically shout out the rules for resolving scenes, and how these change between Act I and Act II.  In our game, this created a fun balance between random chance and the ability for players to exert control over the story. The result was a very tense final few scenes as we all scrambled to rescue our heist from a string of failures, all while the characters onstage bumbled their way to a happy ending. Playing this game feels like watching an under-rehearsed comedy careen wildly out of control on opening night. Highly recommend!